Internet banking, or on-line banking, is a convenient and safe way to manage your bank account from your home. Internet banking allows you to check account balances, transfer money from one account to another and monitor activity on your account. In addition, almost all banks now offer free internet banking to customers. Best of all, signing up for internet banking is fast and easy. All you need to get started is a bank account, Internet access and a computer.
Step 1
Go to the bank's website to get started. After you open an account, the teller refers you to the bank's website to enroll in internet banking.
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Step 2
Type in your account number or Automated Teller Machine, ATM, number. Your account number can be found on the bottom of your checks.
Step 3
Provide an email address. Use an email address that you check often. Your bank sends the account information and notices to this address. In addition, if you forget the password to your online banking account, the bank may send a password reminder to this email address.
Step 4
Choose a user name and password. Your password should be a unique combination of letters and numbers that would be hard for someone to guess. Unique passwords are important to keep your account secure.
Step 5
Check you email account. Often banks send a confirmation email to notify that you successfully created an online banking account. Other banks may send a link to your email to complete the creation of the online banking account.
Internet banking is safe. However, fraud does happen. Fortunately, many banks offer protection if funds are improperly removed or transferred while using internet banking. (Ref. #2).
Things You'll Need
Internet Connection
Bank Account
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