The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the food stamp program, does not disqualify veterans from receiving benefits and food assistance for disabled veterans is available. Any veteran of the armed services can apply for food stamps. Qualification is based on the same conditions all applicants for food stamps must meet.
Document Resource Limitations
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Qualifying for food stamps requires that your resources total no more than $2,500. An exception is granted when there is a person age 60 or older in the home and the total is increased to $3,750 in resources. Resources include bank accounts and some vehicles. Resources do not include your home, most pension plans, Supplemental Security Income or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Full rules relating to which vehicles are counted as resources and which are not can be found at the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website.
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Consider also: What to Bring to Apply for Food Stamps
Understand Income Requirements
The food stamp program requires that applicant income does not surpass both a net and gross level. However, If a home includes either an elderly person or a person receiving disability payments, only the net income threshold, gross income minus allowable deductions, is considered. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the net income maximum for a family of one is $1,074. With a family of four, the income level rises to $2,209 as of October 2021.
Consider also: Food Stamp Program Facts
Comply With Employment Requirements
It is required that an able-bodied adult without dependents between the ages of 18 and 50 be employed or enrolled in a workfare or employment training program other than basic job searches. Without meeting these requirements, SNAP benefits are limited to three months within a 36-month period of time. Some SNAP locations do waive this requirement. Ask your local office when you apply for food stamps what the specific employment policy is for your area.
Veteran Specific Exceptions to SNAP Regulations
Non-citizens who are otherwise qualified for SNAP are typically put on a waiting list, but there are exceptions for veterans. Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and veterans' spouses or children are eligible for food stamps without a waiting period, provided they meet resource, income and employment criteria and are lawful permanent citizens.
SNAP for Disabled Veterans
According to SNAP eligibility requirements, a veteran is considered disabled by the program if he "is totally disabled, permanently housebound, or in need of regular aid and attendance." This definition also extends to surviving spouses and children of veterans receiving VA benefits and considered permanently disabled. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, veteran disability benefits are counted when determining eligibility for SNAP benefits.
Consider also: Disabled Veterans & Food Stamps