Families and individuals residing in North Carolina may be eligible to receive food stamps through the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Applicants must meet income and resource guidelines to qualify for monthly benefits.
Gross Income
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Sources of income that are counted include employment wages, unemployment or workers' compensation benefits, child support, alimony and disability or retirement income. As of October 2010, the maximum allowable gross income for a household of one person is $1,174 a month. The limit is increased by $406 for each additional person residing in the household.
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Allowable Deductions
Certain deductions are applied to a household's total monthly income to determine qualification under the gross income limit. A standard deduction is taken, as well as any child care or work related expenses. Shelter and utility costs in excess of 50 percent of household income are also subtracted.
To qualify for food stamps, a household must not have more than $2,000 in resources such as bank accounts or cash on hand. The resource limit for a household that includes a disabled person or someone over the age of 60 years old is $3,000.
Categorical Eligibility
Resource and income limits do not apply to applicants who qualify for Work First programs or who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI).