Discover is a financial institution that offers credit card and bank saving accounts. Checking your account allows you to quickly find out the account current balance, available credit line as well as promptly report any suspicion transactions. Discover allows you to access your account online or get this information by phone.
Register for an Online Discover Account
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Step 1
Navigate to the Discover account login page using any Web browser.
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Step 2
Click on the "Register" link.
Step 3
Enter the Discover account number, the last four digits of your Social Security number, your date of birth and mother's maiden name in their respective fields for verification. Then click the "Continue" button.
Step 4
Enter a selected User ID and password in the respective fields and then click "Continue" to create the Discover account login information.
Checking an Account Online
Step 1
Navigate to the Discover account login page using a Web browser.
Step 2
Enter the user ID and password in their respective fields and click the "Log in" button.
Step 3
Read the account information, such as the current balance, last statement balance, available credit and minimum payment details under the "Account Home" tab.
Checking an Account by Phone
Step 1
Dial the Discover customer service number, 800-347-2683 (1-800-DISCOVER).
Step 2
Enter your Discover account number, such as your 16-digit credit card number, when prompted. If you do not call from your home phone, you will be also asked to enter the last four digits of your Social Security number for verification purposes.
Step 3
Listen to the account details, such as the current balance, available credit and last payment information.
Creating the Discover account login information is a one-time procedure.