If you want to plan your weekly shopping ahead of time, early access to local circulars is one way to do it. By finding out who is selling what at the best price, you eliminate any wasted time and effort involved in checking prices from place to place on shopping day and skip the rush to sort coupons on Sunday morning.
Online Options
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Visit an online sales promotion website like SundaySaver to locate circulars for the stores in your area. These sites partner with retailers to offer information about upcoming holiday and special sales and display digital copies of newspaper sales circulars before they go to press or are distributed. Visit the retailer's own website where upcoming circulars are often displayed before release to drum up interest in the sale and prepare customers for the following week's discounts.
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Print Options
In many places the Sunday paper is available on Saturday night. Purchase the paper early to access the circulars within and save the Sunday morning rush. In some cases, retailers will have next week's circulars long before the rest of the Sunday paper has been printed and delivered, as sales are often planned well in advance. Ask the retailer to provide you with an early circular and purchase the rest of the paper when it comes out on Sunday morning. Purchase the Saturday paper, which sometimes has as many circulars inside as the one you will get on Sunday.