How to Bargain Shop

How to Bargain Shop. Almost everyone loves to get a great bargain. The thrill of getting a great deal on a purchase is addicting. It isn't difficult to bargain shop if you simply do a little bit of advanced planning. Here's some ways to shop for bargains.

Step 1

Check out advertisements for sales. Always read the advertisements that come with the newspaper, especially the Sunday paper. Check your mailbox for mailed advertisements too. Some stores even have their weekly ads posted on the Internet.


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Step 2

Frequent the outlet stores. Often, you can purchase first quality, overstocked items or factory seconds for great prices at outlet stores. Ask the employees at your favorite outlet stores about what days they get in new shipments of items. You can score big deals if you shop when the new shipments come in.


Step 3

Purchase off-season items at very low prices. A good way to get bargains is to buy ahead. Consider buying clothes off-season and putting them in storage until the next season. You can also buy seasonal items such as barbecue grills, outdoor toys and holiday items when they are on deep discount at the end of the season or after the holiday.


Step 4

Use coupons. Clip coupons from coupon circulars and search the Internet for printable in store coupons to use when shopping in stores. When shopping at your favorite stores, ask if they have coupons that they can give you as well.

Step 5

Shop for second-hand items. Go to thrift or consignment stores to get items for very low prices. Check out garage and yard sales as well. You can often find listings for garage and yard sales in your local newspaper. Flea markets can also help you get some big bargains.



Step 6

Browse the Internet for online bargains. With the vast amount of retailers on the Internet, competition is fierce and that means that you can get some big online bargains. When shopping online, always check for online coupon codes that you can use to help you save even more. See link in Resources.


Step 7

Compare prices when shopping online or in a store. Look at several stores to compare prices before you make a big purchase. Online, you can go to comparison shopping sites that will give you listings of online prices for any item you want to purchase. See link in Resources.


When shopping online be sure to factor in the cost of shipping and handling. A bargain online may not be so much of a bargain if it costs a lot to ship.



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