No matter how much or how little money you have, it is important to keep good records for your bank accounts. Keeping proper records makes everything from budgeting to tax planning easier. Keeping copies of the checks you deposit and the deposit slips you write is important, but if you lose one of those deposit slips, you can easily request a copy from your bank.
Step 1
Check your bank statements to locate the deposit for which you need the slip. Circle the deposit to make it easier to find.
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Step 2
Log on to your account if you have online banking. If you do not have it enabled, you can set it up by entering your account number along with other identifying information like your Social Security number and date of birth. If you do not wish to set up online banking, contact the branch where you transact your business and ask for a copy of the deposit slip to be mailed to you.
Step 3
Go to the "Account Services" section when logged on to your online banking account. Click on "Request copies" and choose "Deposit slip" to request a copy of your deposit slip.
Step 4
Check for any charges that might apply, and make sure those charges are acceptable. Confirm your request for the deposit slip. Depending on your bank, you might be able to view the deposit slips online, or the bank might send the copy to your mailing address.
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