Topics for Bank Safety Meetings

If you work in a bank, there are some safety topics you should be aware of. Understanding these topics will help ensure the safety of all bank employees and customers.

Robbery Procedures

As a bank employee, one of the things you should be aware of is the policy for handling a bank robbery. There is a chance someone could be hurt, but following correct bank procedures will lessen the possibility of injury.


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Cash Drawer

Always be aware of cash-handling procedures. It is important to know how much cash should be available in a cash drawer. Keep your cash drawer locked during the appropriate times.


Bank Entrance

Upon entering the bank, before bank hours always be aware of your surroundings. Someone could be waiting to ambush you for purposes of robbing the bank. Once you are inside the bank, check out the premises to make sure no one has broken in overnight.


Bank Security

Make sure the bank is locked up at night and the alarm is set. If possible, leave with another person so he can look out for you. A criminal is likely going to be discouraged from criminal activity if two people are present.




During business hours, be aware of suspicious characters. If anyone is hanging around the bank or entering the bank with hats, shades, gloves or scarves, pay attention to them. Periodically take a glance at your co-workers during the day to see if they are OK and that all is well.

