How to Open a Piggy Bank

Piggy banks are associated with saving.

Parents sometimes use piggy banks to show children how to save money. Piggy banks used to commonly be made of a material such as porcelain or glass, and required that the owner break them in order to access the money stored inside. Many piggy banks today are made of plastic and can be opened without breaking them. Regardless of what type of piggy bank you own, opening one takes just a few minutes and can provide a significant monetary reward.


Open a Piggy Bank

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Step 1

Place the piggy bank on a flat surface, such as a counter or desk. If you have a porcelain or glass model that you plan on breaking, you may want to open it outside on a deck or driveway so that the pieces are easier to pick up.


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Step 2

Money will come rushing out of the bottom of the bank.

Turn over the piggy bank and open it from the bottom, assuming it is made of plastic or metal. Most piggy banks have a door or rubber stopper you must pull out. The money will come out immediately, but you should shake the piggy bank several times to ensure that no loose change remains inside.


Step 3

Use a hammer to open porcelain and glass piggy banks.

Strike the piggy bank with a hammer if it is made of porcelain or glass and there are no alternate means of opening it. Some traditional porcelain models have doors or rubber stoppers on the bottom.



Be careful not to hit the piggy bank too hard. You want to deliver a dull hit that cracks the bank into large pieces, not a sharp blow that sends porcelain fragments across the room.

For safety reasons, look away when striking the piggy bank or wear protective eye wear. Children should only strike a piggy bank under close adult supervision.


Step 4

Vacuum the area around the bank to pick up small pieces of a broken piggy bank.

Clean up the broken piggy bank pieces, if necessary, and collect any loose change that may have rushed out of the bank. You can also vacuum the area where you broke the bank to ensure that no small shards remain.


Watch out for small paint shards, which may contain lead, especially if the piggy bank is several decades old.

