A deposit slip or deposit ticket is a short paper form that some banks or credit unions require that must accompany the checks and currency you deposit into a checking or savings account. When you fill out a bank deposit slip correctly and legibly, it provides the bank an itemized list of everything you deposit and helps ensure your money ends up in the right account. Many financial institutions no longer require deposit slips when clients make a deposit through an ATM, so check the instructions on the machine.
Deposit Slip Format
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You can use the preprinted deposit slips that come with checks you purchase or counter deposit slips furnished by your bank. Look on the left-hand side of the deposit slip. If it's the preprinted version, you'll see your name and account number.
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On counter deposit slips, you'll need to write this information in the spaces provided. Enter the date. There's also a space to sign the deposit slip, although this may be optional unless you are depositing only checks and getting cash back.
List Items for Deposit
On the right-hand side of the deposit slip is a column of spaces or lines. This is where you record the amount of each item you deposit into your account. The top line is for cash. If you are depositing currency or coins, put the total here.
Typically, below the cash line are three lines for checks. If you are depositing three or fewer checks, enter the amount of each check on a separate line. If you have more than three checks to put in the bank, list only the first two and leave the last line blank for now.
Flip the deposit slip over and write the amounts of the remaining checks using the spaces printed. Add up the checks listed on the back of the deposit slip, turn it front side up and write the total from the reverse side in the space you left blank.
Figure Net Deposit
Below the spaces where you've written check amounts is the subtotal line. Enter the total of cash and checks here. Banks typically allow you to get some cash back.
If you are depositing only checks and want some cash for immediate needs, write the amount on the line labeled "Less Cash Received" just below the subtotal line. Subtract the cash you are requesting from the subtotal and put the net deposit amount on the bottom line.
Endorse Each Check
You must endorse checks before you can deposit them. On the reverse side of each check, write "For Deposit Only" if you are not getting any cash back, and sign your name. You can write your bank account number below your signature, although banks typically don't require this. If you want to receive cash back, omit the phrase "For Deposit Only."
Availability of Deposited Funds
Each bank has its own set of rules for deposited funds, called a funds availability policy. You may have immediate access to your funds when you make a bank deposit, or you may have to wait until the next business day or even longer, depending on your bank's policies, the amount you deposit and the source of your deposited funds.
Making Mobile Deposits
If you make a remote deposit using your mobile device, you probably won't need to complete a deposit slip. After you log into your bank account, the bank already has the information that's contained on your deposit slip. Just snap a picture of your checks, and confirm the amount you want to deposit.