What is a majorette, exactly? A majorette is typically a member of a school band. The majorette is a dancer who twirls a baton while doing a choreographed routine with the marching band. On some majorette squads, other items may be twirled, such as knives, flags, fire batons and light-up batons. Cartwheels, flips and other light gymnastics may also be required by some squads.
Experience Required for Band Majorettes
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Before you can attend college on a band majorette scholarship, you need some experience. If you are still in high school, you should join your high school band and gain experience as a majorette. This experience helps you build the foundation that you need to be awarded a scholarship as a majorette. Don't be afraid to try new twirling tricks as that can set you apart from others when competing for scholarships.
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Ask a friend or parent to record you performing your routines so that you can watch the video and learn where your weaknesses lie, which will help you improve to a level where you can successfully compete for scholarships. Then, you can apply to colleges with majorettes and find appropriate scholarships.
Join College Band
Not all colleges offer majorette scholarships. Once you find a college that you are interested in, you should contact the band department to confirm the availability of majorette scholarships. When you are accepted to a college that has majorette scholarships, you should immediately join the band. At some colleges, this is as simple as calling or visiting the band department and stating your intent to join the band. Other colleges require that you try out to land a spot on the majorette line.
Audition for Scholarships
Scholarships for majorettes are typically talent-based and are usually based on an audition process. Generally the scholarships are for one year but are renewable each year. A minimum GPA requirement is also usually a requirement to qualify for the scholarship, such as a 2.5 minimum GPA, which varies by school majorette program.
Twirling tricks, appearance, gracefulness, showmanship and physical fitness are typically judged during the audition. After auditions, scholarships are awarded based on the results.
You might apply for a scholarship like the majorette HBCU Danceline Scholarship. To be eligible, you must be a current member of a band dance line, provide two letters of recommendation and have at least a 3.0 GPA. This scholarship is worth $500, and two awards are given. A scholarship from Twirling Unlimited is also available to those who are majorettes. Those who wish to be considered will be awarded a number of points based on certain relevant activities and criteria. Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to the institution of the performer's choice.
Tryout/Audition Requirements
Some schools require that you try out to be a majorette while others just require an audition for the scholarship. If you have to tryout for your spot, that routine will be used for scholarship consideration. Tryouts and auditions are typically done all at once on one day. The college band department communicates this date.
You are usually required to wear a competitive twirling costume or majorette costume. Some schools may require pants or tights instead of a skirt. You must also have your own equipment, music and routines.