It helps to know your T-Mobile Prepaid Visa Card balance before using it to make a purchase, in order to avoid the risk your transaction will be denied because of a lack of funds. Several options exist for checking the balance. You can do so online, over the phone and through the mail.
Via the T-Mobile Website
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Log onto your T-Mobile Money Services account to view your balance and see a 60-day history of all the card's transactions. If you don't have a T-Mobile account, register for one at t-mobilemoneyservices.com by providing the 16-digit card number, your date of birth and your zip code.
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Phone and Mail
You can call the customer service line at 1-866-306-9636 to get your balance and request that T-Mobile send you a 60-day written history of transactions. Additionally, you can write and request your balance and history of transactions. The address is listed on the T-Mobile Money Services website at t-mobilemoneyservices.com. There is a fee for T-Mobile sending your history of transactions and balance.
Card Alerts
T-Mobile also allows you to set up text message and email alerts to let you know your daily or weekly balance. You can get texts and emails when a bill is due, if a transaction is approved or denied, and when any changes are made to your account. Sign up for these alerts through your online account.