If you find yourself in a dispute with a company or service provider and don't feel like you should have to pay that bill, it's critical to let the other party know why. Writing a letter gets everything on the record and avoids the confusion that a phone call can create if the issue later ends up in court. Be clear, professional and concise in your refusal-to-pay letter, detailing what the problem is and why you're taking this action.
Step 1
Format your document as a business letter, addressed to the company owner, your account manager, or the specific department you're having a dispute with. Make sure the recipient has the power to do something about the situation -- it's a waste of time to send this to someone without the authority to cancel the bill even if she wanted to.
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Step 2
Describe the transaction in question. Be specific about the time and date, the personnel you interacted with and the nature of the agreement. For example, you might note that "On the afternoon of May 21, I checked into your hotel at the 300 Main Street location. Toby, the agent who took my reservation, assured me that while construction was taking place in the facility, my room was fit for occupancy."
Step 3
State the specific problem that's behind your refusal to pay for the agreed-upon product or service. Detail how what you received failed to match agreed-upon expectations. If the product you ordered was misrepresented by the salesman and didn't have the functionality you needed, for example, include that information. If a hotel advertised itself as a five-star facility only to feature a leaky roof instead of a water slide, state that in the letter.
Step 4
Note any efforts you've already made to resolve the situation. Again, specific details are helpful. Saying "I called a dozen times" can seem like an exaggeration, but citing the dates and times of the calls makes a more persuasive record.
Step 5
Include your history with the company in question. Don't spend three pages detailing every transaction, but a sentence or two dealing your historical relationship can be helpful. If you've been a customer for years, that's additional credibility for your request.
Step 6
Close by reiterating that you won't pay the amount in question, and request confirmation that the items have been removed from your account. Ask for confirmation of this in writing.
Include any supporting documentation when you send the letter. If you have evidence of an incorrect charge or misleading advertisement, that evidence will bolster your case.
Always keep a copy of your letter for your own records.
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