How Do I Reactivate My Claim for Unemployment Online?

If you miss filing your weekly or bi-weekly claim forms for your unemployment benefits, the state will deactivate your unemployment claim. This is true whether you simply forgot to complete the claim form on time or if you purposely did not file due to landing a new job. If you are ready to reactivate your claim, you can typically do so online. The process is the same regardless of your employment status during the interim period.


Step 1

Go to the Employee Issues website to get the URL for your state unemployment website. Click on your state in the list of states under the "State Unemployment Office Websites" heading to be taken to your state unemployment office website.

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Step 2

Click on the "File A Claim" link on your state unemployment website. All states have an online filing option. In order to reactivate the claim, you must use the regular claim filing link.


Step 3

Complete the claim application in the same manner that you originally did. Answer any questions regarding what you were doing between now and the last time your claim was active. If you were employed during that period, you must enter in the employer name, address, contact number, dates you worked and why you are no longer employed with the company.



If you need to reactivate your claim in a state that does not offer online reactivation, call the claims filing number, which you can also find on your state unemployment website. Any new information you provide when you reactivate the claim must be reviewed before you receive new claim forms.

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