How to Write a Letter to Re-Apply for a College Scholarship

Write a letter to reapply for a scholarship to fund your education.

When you're reapplying for a college scholarship, discuss how receiving the scholarship the first time improved your academic prospects. The people who awarded the scholarship to you the first time were impressed with your resume and what you had to say, so wow them again by detailing your progress and your new, clearer goals. Always be polite and respectful when writing a letter to the people who determine whether your scholarship funds will be renewed for another term.


Step 1

Read the requirements for the scholarship letter.

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Step 2

Create an outline that shows each topic you want to cover.

Step 3

Write an introduction that thanks the group for giving you the scholarship the previous year or time period. Explain that you appreciate the help funding your education.


Step 4

Explain how you used the money. Say something along the lines of "Thanks to the scholarship I received from this organization, I was able to spend another year studying biochemistry at Smith University."


Step 5

Detail any accomplishments you've made in the past year. Show the group why it should continue funding your education.


Step 6

Outline your plans for the future. Show that you have a plan and that the money you're getting is helping fund that plan.

Step 7

Thank the group again in the closing, both for the money and for considering your application for another year of funding.


Always follow the format and questions provided by the group awarding the scholarship.

Work the goals of the group or organization into your letter and responses to questions, if necessary.

Make sure the letter flows. Develop a theme and move smoothly from one paragraph to the next.


Always have someone proofread your letter for errors or awkward phrasing before you submit it.

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