How Do I Get Proof of Unemployment?

No one has to take your word that you lost your job – get proof.
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You might need to show proof of unemployment to apply for another government benefits program, receive charity help or get temporary relief from debt payments. In any case, you should first complete the unemployment application process in your state and receive your response from the state government. Typically, you'll get mailed a letter about your eligibility of benefits and can use that to prove unemployment, but you can also request an unemployment verification letter through several methods. Alternative documentation may also work for applying for assistance programs.


Getting an Unemployment Benefits Decision

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To get started with obtaining official proof of unemployment, you should apply through your state's program if possible. This requires first gathering information for the application such as your 18-month employment history, last paycheck amount, your reason for becoming unemployed and date you stopped working. You'll then want to visit the unemployment website for your state to see a list of specific requirements in your locale along with options for filing your application.


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Most often, you can complete the unemployment application most easily online, but know that your state may restrict application days and hours to prevent the website from getting overloaded. After you fill out and submit the application, you should get an email or physical letter from your state confirming your initial filing. Within a few weeks, you'll get an official notice in the mail showing your unemployment benefit award amount, total balance and weeks of benefits, and you can use this to prove that you're unemployed.


Note that you should keep your claim current to maintain your status and possibly qualify for other programs you're seeking. This means certifying for benefits on your state's schedule and meeting any other conditions for benefits.

Requesting an Unemployment Verification Letter

In some cases, you may have lost your unemployment benefits award letter, or the organization might want to see a current unemployment verification letter to make sure your case is still open. You'll want to check with your state's department of labor or unemployment website to learn the methods available for requesting this document. To save time waiting for snail mail, you can sometimes obtain an electronic version to print for the recipient or email them, but first ask the organization that needs it what they prefer.



For example, the Missouri Department of Labor makes it easy to download an unemployment verification letter at any time through their unemployment benefits portal under a section for unemployment verification. Claimants can also mail or email their requests, but phone requests aren't accepted in that state. As another example, the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development takes requests for an unemployment verification letter by fax, phone or mail.


When you receive your unemployment verification letter, expect it to have much of the same information as the initial award letter you received. For example, you'll see your weekly and maximum benefit amounts, your claim balance, number of weeks of benefits and contact details. Your letter may also show when you received your most recent benefits payment.


Considering Alternative Verification

While going through your state unemployment office is the main route for getting proof of unemployment, you might have a situation where you don't meet the state's criteria for applying for benefits. For example, you might have not worked for a year or longer, or your situation may not fall under any of the eligibility criteria for state and federal programs. Similarly, you may have a job lined up in the future and not need unemployment benefit payments right now.


In such cases, the program you're applying for may accept alternative documentation like an unemployment declaration. This form usually has you agree that you don't meet the criteria for unemployment benefits due to not having worked for an extended period of time or not planning to seek work within the next several months. This may include showing a denial letter, bank statements or any future employment agreement or documenting any unearned income like Social Security benefits.

