How to Get Statements for Unemployment Payments

Your unemployment statements allow you to keep track of your income while you are out of work and are a good way to calculate how much you made. It is important to have a way to verify that you are unemployed because social services that help the unemployed will need verification of your income and when you file your taxes you will need to include your unemployment income with the rest of your income.


Step 1

Contact the unemployment office in your town and ask them to mail copies of your unemployment statements to you. Arrange for this by walking into the unemployment office, calling the unemployment office or writing the unemployment office.

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Step 2

Connect to the unemployment office website of the state that you live in. Set up a user name and password by registering at the unemployment website. Log into the website using your user name and password.


Step 3

Locate and click on "past claims." Click on the date of the claim and click "print claim." The computer will send the information to your printer and you will have a copy of your unemployment paperwork.



Keep copies of your unemployment statements for your records.


Do not forget to give the unemployment office information if you change your address or phone number. The unemployment office will not be able to send you a copy of your statement if you do not update your records.

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