Yale University, located in New Haven, Connecticut, is one of seven "Ivy League" colleges and universities in the Unites States. These are typically regarded as being the best and most selective schools in the country. They are also among the most expensive to attend. If you've got great grades and good standardized test scores, you can secure a full scholarship to Yale even if you come from a low-income household.
Step 1
Live in a household that produces less than $60,000 a year. Coming from a family that has longstanding financial difficulties is a central key to one kind of full scholarship to Yale.
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Step 2
Earn excellent grades in high school. Specifically, you will be competing against students who, on average, are academically in the top 5 percent of their graduating class, have taken the most rigorous courses and AP classes, and have standardized test scores in the top percentiles nationally.
Step 3
Go to QuestBridge website at questbride.org. Click on "National College Match" under "Start Here" on the left. Read through the web pages carefully, taking special care to make sure you meet all of the selection criteria.
Step 4
Read through either or both the College Match route or the Regular Decision process. Click on the respective links to thoroughly read through all the application requirements for each path to a full scholarship to Yale.
Step 5
Register an account on the QuestBridge site. Request and assemble your letters of recommendation from your teachers and guidance counselor using the provided recommendation instructions. Also secure your official transcripts, standardized score reports and your parents' most recent tax returns.
Step 6
Complete the online application and submit it by the indicated deadline. Rank Yale University and any other participating schools to which you are applying in your preferred attendance order. You can apply to up to eight schools.
Step 7
Submit your rankings and the Match Agreement form by the indicated deadline. Make sure your supplemental documents also are sent in by the required date to the indicated address to avoid being removed from selection consideration.
Do not miss the application deadlines if you want a full scholarship to Yale and/or the other schools you've chosen.
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