Like many other insurance products, Aflac policies can help to bring you peace of mind when the unexpected happens. However, in order to receive this coverage, you must pay monthly premiums and this can get expensive over time. If you are receiving similar coverage through other means or you need to cut down on monthly expenses, you might need to cancel your Aflac policy. Thankfully, there are multiple ways to do this that could be convenient for you.
Types of Aflac Insurance
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Aflac offers a wide variety of insurance products to address customer needs. If you are a policyholder with them, you could have one of several types of insurance:
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- Accident insurance
- Cancer insurance
- Critical illness insurance
- Life insurance
- Hospital insurance
- Short-term disability insurance
- Dental insurance
- Supplemental dental insurance
- Vision insurance
- Supplemental vision insurance
- Pet insurance
You can determine which policies you have by looking at your paperwork or by logging onto your Aflac account on their website. If you have questions about what your coverage includes, contact Aflac customer care at (800) 992-3522. Be prepared to answer security questions to confirm your identity before they can share specifics regarding your account.
Aflac Supplemental Insurance
Aflac supplemental insurance is intended to help bridge the gap between what your traditional health insurance coverage pays for and what you must pay for out of pocket. Like other kinds of insurance, premium costs vary based on a variety of factors including age and health status. Aflac does not take the place of regular health insurance. Rather, they provide policies that you can carry in addition to your health insurance policy.
According to the Aflac website, when you need to file a claim, you will fill out and submit the appropriate paperwork and documentation. Depending on the claim, your medical professional might also need to submit information for their consideration. For certain conditions, money can be deposited quite quickly into your bank account. Other times, Aflac needs more time to process your claim and it could take a while to receive your money.
Open Enrollment and Aflac Cancellation
If you receive your Aflac benefits through your employer, this could impact when and how you are able to cancel your Aflac policy. This is because these payments are taken out of your paycheck before taxes are withheld.
For instance, the Washington D.C. Department of Human Resources indicates that typically policies can only be cancelled during their open enrollment period. Outside of that time period, employees are only able to cancel their coverage if their employer deems that they are no longer eligible for benefits.
During open enrollment, cancellation is much easier. Employees can simply submit a signed written request with policy information to Aflac via mail or fax.
Ways to Cancel Aflac
If you purchase your Aflac coverage privately instead of through your employer, you could have more flexibility when it comes to cancellation. Aflac recommends contacting their customer service line at (800) 433-3036 to find out the cancellation procedures for your particular policy.
You can also cancel Aflac online by contacting them through their customer service page. Simply fill out your personal and policy information and request that they cancel your coverage. Be prepared to submit paperwork after they respond in order to fully cancel Aflac policy benefits.
Aflac Cancellation Form
When you contact customer care online or by phone, they will likely send you the Aflac cancellation form in order to complete your cancellation request. This form will require you to provide the following information:
- Policyholder name
- Billing name
- Policyholder's Social Security number
- Email address
- Effective date
- Policy number
- Policy type
- Pre-tax or post-tax status
Once the form is filled out, you will need to date and sign it before returning it to Aflac via mail or fax so that they can finalize your request for cancellation.