A Benny Card is a handy payment method to have in your wallet when it comes to health expenses. The Benny Card is an extension of a standard MasterCard to help expedite health related payments. Whenever you make an out-of-pocket health care purchase normally covered by your insurance provider -- be it a prescription or a pair of crutches, for example -- the Benny Card will send the pre-tax cost of the purchase to your insurance company for reimbursement. Checking the balance on a Benny Card is simple. Your balance should be monitored frequently for security purposes.
Step 1
Visit the My Benny official website. Click on "Please Register" to sign up for a My Benny online account. Type in your member identification number into the provided box. Type in your Benny card number and zip code into the remaining boxes. Click "Continue" and follow all the prompts to activate your account.
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Step 2
Log into the My Benny website. Click on the "My Account" tab. Follow the prompts to check your available balance.
Step 3
Call the customer service number at 1-800-422-7038 to check your balance by phone. Follow the specified prompts for checking your account balance. Have your Benny Card handy to read off your account number, expiration date and security code.
Things You'll Need
Benny Card
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