In the U.S. Air Force, the pay rate of E-3 corresponds to the rank of airman first class. These service personnel are relatively new to the Air Force, usually with less than three years of military service under their belts. An E-3 will receive a pay raise for each year of service up to the third year. Pay is then capped and the airman is expected to move up through the ranks.
Two Years or Less of Service
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In the U.S. Air Force, an airman first class with less than two years of military service earns a monthly pay rate of $1,729.80, as of March 2011.
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Two to Three Years of Service
In the U.S. Air Force, an airman first class with more than two but less than three years of military service earns a monthly pay rate of $1,838.70, as of March 2011.
Three Years of Service
In the U.S. Air Force, an airman first class with three years of military service earns a monthly pay rate of $1,950, as of March 2011. This represents the maximum rate of pay for an E-3, since these individuals are expected to be promoted to an E-4 quickly.
Special Pay and Allowances
Some E-3s are entitled to special pay and allowances, such as a basic allowance for housing and a basic allowance for subsistence for those who live off base. During deployments, they also receive hazardous duty pay and other entitlements as determined by each base's finance officer.