A gazebo is a stylish landscape feature for backyards and gardens, providing a shaded peaceful retreat from the summer sun. Gazebos can shelter hot tubs, picnic or patio furniture or baskets of hanging plants and flowers. Homeowners can install large, elaborate screened gazebos or build small inexpensive backyard structures. With pre-cut wooden parts and some simple tools, you can build a cheap backyard gazebo to enjoy all summer long.
Step 1
Measure a 10-foot by 10-foot area and mark the corners.
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Step 2
Dig a hole 2-½ feet deep at each corner with a post hole digger.
Step 3
Put six inches of gravel into each hole.
Step 4
Set a landscape post in the center of each hole and fill it in with cement. Brace the posts by nailing or screwing two of the 4-inch pieces of 1-inch by 1-inch wood to each post at the 3-foot mark, horizontally, and on opposite sides of the post. Set the 3-foot lengths of wood firmly against the posts, one end under a 4-inch piece and one end on the ground, and check to make sure the posts are straight and level. Let the cement dry for 24 hours.
Step 5
Screw the 10-foot long support boards horizontally to the outside of the posts at the bottom and top of the posts to frame the gazebo.
Step 6
Screw two pieces of lattice to the outside corners of each post.
Step 7
Lay the last three pieces of lattice on top of the gazebo across the support boards, spaced evenly, and screw them into place.
Paint all wood with weather-proof deck paint in the color of your choice before assembly if you don’t want to leave the wood without color.
Attach hooks to the support boards to hang flower baskets.
Plant climbing flowering annuals or perennials such as morning glories or clematis to grow up the trellises and cover the gazebo.
Place a layer of mulch on the floor inside the gazebo or lay some garden stone like blue flagstone.
Things You'll Need
Tape measure
Post hole digger
12-foot long 4-inch by 4-inch pressure-treated landscape posts (4)
10-foot long 2-inch by 6-inch pressure-treated support boards (8)
3-foot long 1-inch by 1-inch lengths of wood for bracing (8)
4-inch long 1-inch by 1-inch pieces of wood for bracing (8)
3-foot by 10-foot pieces of lattice (11)
Large clamps
Galvanized screws and power drill
Weather-proof deck paint and brushes (optional)
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