Money represents the most wanted commodity in life, and yet, remains a complex principle to understand. Wealth, financial freedom and fiscal independence top the list of goals for many people. With a rising new moon, Law of Attraction visionaries write monthly abundance checks. The New Moon represents a mystical period of new beginnings and optimum timing for wealth visualization. Access powers of subconscious thought to manifestation abundance. Abundance checks are spiritual tools designed to manifest prosperity. Creating an abundance check aligns Law of Attraction theory where intentional thought produces reality. Diligence and practice is required to shore up good vibrations. Negative thoughts can move in and counteract great intentions.
Step 1

Consult a calendar that includes moon cycles and check for the next new moon. Begin the abundance check-ritual the night of the new moon.
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Step 2

Tear a check out of the checkbook of an active bank account.
Step 3

Hold the check in your hands. Light candles or use any spiritual means,such as meditative music to become centered and focused. Visualize how much you'd like to manifest.
Step 4

Fill out the date of the new moon, in the date section. Leave the main body of the check blank for the time being, and sign the check with the Law of Attraction or God. Leaving the check blank releases limitations. Continue to meditate holding the partially completed check.
Step 5

Write down an amount on your abundance check that can realistically manifest within 30 days after completing the meditation. The mind has cleared limitations and can record a dollar amount on the abundance check.
Step 6

Carry your check with you or place it in a prominent place where it can be seen. Repeat the process every month at the onset of the new moon.
Create a challenge to write an exorbitant amount of money that would take a miracle to manifest along with a realistic goal. Watch to see if allowing the impossible becomes the possible. Create your own abundance rules. Abundance does not pertain only to finance.
Things You'll Need
Bank checks
Moon chart
Abundance checks should not become a magical substitute for daily accounting and general fiscal responsibility. Abundance checks should rather represent an adjunct method to an already established record of finance.
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