A position as a driver's license examiner can give you a secure future in a state job. Driver's license examiners are usually full-time positions with full benefits and a pension. As a driver's license examiner, you will administer driving tests and evaluate each driver's ability to adhere to road safety standards. You will test a variety of examinees, including first-time licensees, adults who are trying to get their driver's licenses back and immigrants who want to get driving privileges in the United States. The application process is relatively straightforward.
Step 1
Contact your state's driver's license office to find out the location of the human resources department. Some states leave the administration of driver's examiners up to the highway patrol or police departments.
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Step 2
Ask the human resources department about the qualifications required to become a driver's license examiner. The requirements will vary from state to state. For example, the state of Ohio requires driver's license applicants to have taken a defensive driving course and a driver education training course or related education courses. In general, you should be comfortable with mathematics and computers and have customer service experience.
Step 3
Apply to your state's human resources department for a position. If you get the entry-level job, the department will train you in all aspects of the job. Eventually, you will be able to apply for senior examiner positions.
Take advanced driving classes and continue your formal education with math and computer classes, if possible. Although the requirements for an entry-level position are slim, you will look like a better candidate if you have qualifications above and beyond the minimum.
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