Finding a place to live without having employment or income is very challenging. Most landlords demand proof that you will be able to meet your financial obligations every month. Many landlords complete credit checks as well which require a strong history of bill payments. There are several different methods to locate and access financial support to help pay for housing. You may also be able to exchange services for housing.
Video of the Day
Step 1

Determine if you're eligible for any benefits using the federal government's benefits finder program. Go to benefits.gov.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click on the orange "Start Now" button.
Step 3
Answer a series of questions about you, your family, your living situation, work experience, education and health. The more questions you answer, the more relevant the information provided will be.
Step 4
Click on "View Benefits Results" at any time to see which programs you may be eligible to apply for.
Step 5
Print the page or email the answers to yourself as they do not get saved on the website.
Step 6
Follow the application procedures to apply for the programs that apply to you.
Step 1

Visit studentaid.ed.gov to see if you qualify for any student scholarships, loans, grants or financial support programs.
Step 2
Meet with Student Services at your campus. Many schools offer short-term loans to students in need of emergency assistance or have access to bursaries and scholarships.
Step 3
Apply for a live-in position as a supervisor in a school residence.
Shared Housing
Step 1

Search nationalsharedhousing.org to find people in your area who are looking for someone to share their house with. This could be en elderly person who needs help with chores, someone with a disability or health issue who needs assistance or parents looking for live-in childcare support.
Step 2
Advertise on free classified websites -- or in a newspaper -- for people interested in exchanging a place to live for home care and maintenance duties. This is often listed under the barter category.
Step 3

Register with a pet-sitting or house-sitting organization. These organizations help connect people looking for a place to stay with individuals who are traveling or away for an extended period and need someone to take care of their home or pet.