Job Corps Rules

Job Corps provides education and training to young adults.
Image Credit: Nitat Termmee/Moment/GettyImages

Job Corps is the largest technical career training program in the United States. The program was established in 1964, and serves adolescents and young adults ages 16 to 24. According to the Department of Labor, which oversees the program, Job Corps trains as many as 60,000 students yearly in 119 centers. According to the Job Corps website, the program provides training in over 82 industries. Students are normally assigned to centers close to their hometown. The centers are residential facilities although commuting is allowed in some cases.


Job Corps Operations

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Job Corps centers have rules and regulations to help them meet the educational and societal requirements of their students. Not following rules can result in loss of privileges or fines. Following the rules can result in the students gaining privileges or an increase in pay.

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General Rules for Job Corps

Alcohol is not permitted on center grounds. Students are to report to any appointments on time and show respect for others and property. Students are not allowed to bring weapons, alcohol or drugs onto the grounds of the campuses. Students must not participate in gambling, hazing or fighting at any time. Residents are not allowed to have a vehicle, and nonresidents must abide by center policies regarding vehicles. Students are expected to follow center guidelines for appearance and cleanliness.


Rules for Dorm Residents

Participants in job corps may live in a dorm at the center to which they are assigned, though some may commute. According to the Job Corps website, each center sets its own rules for conduct at the dorm and may restrict visitors and cell phone use. Dorm residents live with roommates and are expected to keep their dorm and common areas clean. In addition, residents are expected to attend regular meetings with other residents.


Internal Disciplinary System

The disciplinary system consists of a student personnel officer, student peer courts, a dorm and peer court and prevention meetings. The system of having an officer and courts allows students to have a voice in any disciplinary actions. Instructors oversee the students who serve as officers and on courts.


Minor infractions of the rules, such as not going to class or missing curfew can result in loss of privileges, intermediate infractions, which usually occur when minor infractions are repeated can result in loss of privileges and fines and severe infractions such as drugs, assaulting another student and sexual harassment can result in termination from the program and prosecution.


