While some people enjoy working in the same position with the same company for years, others find that a job change is personally needed after a few years. Reasons vary, but they include the lack of personal challenges in the current job and being offered a new job from another business. As you move from one job to another, you must consider several things, such as maintaining professional work behavior, being flexible in your adjustment and analyzing your personal budget.
Step 1
Compare your current job with the one you have lined up, if applicable. If not, compare it to a position you see yourself applying for. Compare the two positions in terms of the responsibilities and tasks required of you. According to Knowledge Base Script, it is important that you prepare yourself for a career change. Some people do not realize the major change in responsibilities until after the fact.
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Step 2
Book a meeting with your current employer. Explain why you are leaving the position. Do not start comparing the position with your new job, but instead focus on your current position and the limitations it gives you. For example, explain that your current receptionist job does not challenge you and you feel that you cannot use your degrees in communications and administrative business.
Step 3
Remain positive and professional during your last two weeks of employment after your resignation. If you start calling in sick or do not show up for work, it reflects negatively on you and your work performance. Show up for your shifts, work professionally and get the job done, as if you were not leaving the position. Ask for a reference once the two weeks have been completed, because it shows your employer that you can keep things professional.
Step 4
Plan your personal budget. A change in jobs might affect your income during the transition. For example, you might end up with a week off during the job switch and miss a paycheck. Adjust your budget so you do not experience financial issues during the switch.
Step 5
Show flexibility when you start your new job. Be advised that the job itself, the work environment and your fellow employees might differ greatly from your old workplace. According to Quint Careers, you need to be flexible about everything, including location, title and salary. In the employees' eyes, you are new and know very little about the business compared to those who have worked there for years.
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