When you are receiving SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits, you have the option to cancel your benefits at any time. For example, you may desire to cancel your benefits so you can continue working, instead of retiring. If you cancel your SSI benefits, you are required to pay back all of the benefits you have already received. This includes benefits that may have gone to your spouse or children.
Step 1
Download and print the Social Security Administration's Request for Withdrawal of Application, Form SSA-521. A link through which you may download the form is found in the resources section of this article.
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Step 2
Complete the form by entering information such as your name, Social Security number, the date you originally applied for SSI benefits and your reason for requesting benefits cancellation. Sign and date the form.
Step 3
Mail the completed form to your local Social Security office. To get an address for a local office, use the office locator tool that is on the Social Security website. You can also call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 to get a mailing address for a local office.
Step 4
Wait for the Social Security Administration to contact you, notifying you that your request to cancel benefits has been received and approved. There is no set time frame within which they must contact you. If, however, you change your mind about withdrawing benefits, you have up to 60 days from the time you mail your application to cancel your request.
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