The Best Tropical Places to Live in the World

Warm weather year round, pristine beaches and lush vegetation are part of the lure of tropical climes.
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Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is a section of Earth called the tropics where it's predominantly sunny and warm all year along. If you are getting ready to retire or just want to move somewhere different, look into the tropics as a possible personal paradise. Before making the big decision to relocate to a tropical place to live, visit at least once to see if it suits your needs and lifestyle.


Costa Rica

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Costa Rica
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Costa Rica is located in Central America and has population of over 21 million people. This country has wonderful tropical weather, beautiful beaches and tall mountains. English is their second language, making it easy to communicate with most of the people if you are an American. According to the U.S. Department of State, Costa Rica has long emphasized the development of democracy and respect for human rights. The country also has a positive growth in their economy over the previous several years. The living and medical expenses in Costa Rica are reasonable, which makes it a popular choice for people who are retiring. The relaxing environment, abundance of fresh fruits and the reasonable living expenses make a strong case for Costa Rica being counted among the best tropical places to live. In 2009 the New Economics Foundation listed Costa Rica at the top of its Happy Planet Index, saying Costa Ricans reported "the highest life satisfaction in the world."


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Koh Samui

Koh Samui
Image Credit: Paula Bronstein/Getty Images News/Getty Images

If your dream was to always live in Asia, there is a singular tropical island only an hour away from Bangkok, Thailand. Koh Samui is an island rated as one of the best to live in by MSNBC, due in part to its good Internet access, friendly natives, and stable government. The island has a population of over 40,000 people and their official language is Thai. The Koh Samui people are mostly Buddhists, so you will spot many beautiful Buddhist temples that promote peace and quiet. According to MSNBC, the Samui society is multicultural and the natives often speak English. If you are planning to purchase a house, you can only own the house, not the land; the Thai government does not let foreigners purchase any land.




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Panama is located in Central America and rests between Columbia and Costa Rica. Panama's weather is mostly hot and humid. Panama has a population of over 3 million and they are mostly Mestizo ethnicities, which are a mix of whites and Amerindians. Their official language is Spanish, but many of Panamanians can speak English. According to MSN Money, Panama is a tropical paradise not far from home. Panama has cheap real estate, low cost of living and nice weather combined with beautiful scenery. MSN Money stated that retirees get 50% off everything from public transport to movies, mortgage rates, doctor's visits, electricity, restaurants and airfares in Panama. There are excellent tax incentives for foreigners living in Panama. If you build or purchase a house in Panama, you do not have to owe property taxes for 20 years, and if you are resident in Panama, you do not pay taxes on foreign-earned income.

