How to Bill for Adult Day Care

Adult day care centers are growing in popularity and need.

Adult day care services have grown exponentially since their introduction in the United States in the 1950s. The need and desire for these services, currently offered at over 46,000 centers, is projected to grow as life expectancy increases. Starting an adult day care service requires billing for the services. Some of the services that are billable in adult day cares are registration, scheduling and transportation. Billing software is available to assist in record keeping.


Billing for Adult Day Care Services

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Step 1

Charge for registration first. Billing for registration helps procure funds, gather sociodemographic information and generate statistical data for annual reports required in some states.


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Step 2

Track client's schedules. Scheduling is more fluid than registration. Schedules can vary according to financial and public needs, or they can be more individualized. Services such as arranging community events or coordinating day schedules for individuals can also be charged.

Step 3

Charge for transportation. This is important if the adults are provided a means to explore the community. Track attendance so charges are applied to the correct accounts.



Step 4

Use billing software to keep track of all the chargeable expenses. Choosing the correct software depends on needs and company demographics, but the proper forms and accounting paperwork can be packaged into one software program and purchased at a reasonable price. Patients should be billed monthly or bimonthly. Within a bill, charges include room, board, meals, transportation and activity fees. These charges are separated by line within billing software.

