How to Get a New Medicaid Card

How to Get a New Medicaid Card
Image Credit: nevarpp/iStock/GettyImages

Upon approving a Medicaid case, the Medicaid field office mails the recipient an identification card. Thereafter, eligibility generally is determined every 12 months. You must reapply in order to keep getting the benefit. If re-approved, you might receive a new card. Depending on your state and the circumstance, you may be able to get a new card outside of the renewal period.


Qualifying Situations

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Medicaid is administered by the state, so the conditions under which you can get a new card vary by state. For example, in North Carolina cards typically are sent out once per year, but you can request a new one if you change your name or physician, or if you lose your card. In Michigan, recipients get one permanent card; they keep using the same card even after renewal. A recipient can, however, request a replacement card if her name or address has changed, or the card has been lost, stolen or damaged.


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Requesting a New Card

Go to your state's Medicaid website for instructions on requesting a new card. For example, in Florida, you can request a replacement card by calling the designated toll-free number, and print a temporary card by accessing your online account. Texas also lets you order or print the replacement card online, or you may call the toll-free number.


If you do not have Internet access, or your Medicaid office does not allow you to make online requests, call or visit your field office to request a new card.

You must provide identifying information when making your request, such as your Medicaid ID number, Social Security number, birth date and address. If the card is for someone else -- such as your child or a family member for whom you are authorized to make the request -- you typically will need to give identifying information on the recipient and yourself.




Depending on your state, you may need to provide extra information when making some replacement card requests. For example, to report address changes and update your card, you might need to supply details of your new living situation, including any changes in your expenses.


States have laws that are intended to fight Medicaid fraud, misuse and abuse. For example, in Alabama, allowing someone else to use your Medicaid card and constantly neglecting to keep the card safe may be deemed as fraud, abuse or misuse.

Card Delivery Time Frame

State have their own timelines for issuing new cards. For example, in South Carolina it takes 7 to 10 days to receive a replacement card if the original was lost or stolen. If you need to visit the doctor before the card arrives, your provider can confirm your eligibility with the Medicaid office.

