Bankruptcy records are public records that are available to anyone. You can not only find out if someone has filed bankruptcy, but you can also view, print and review all documents pertaining to the bankruptcy. To find out if someone has filed for bankruptcy in Michigan, you do not have to live in Michigan or visit a Michigan court. All records pertaining to bankruptcy can be found online for little to no charge.
Step 1
Visit the PACER website and register for an account. When registering, you will be required to fill in your full name and address. Michigan bankruptcy records are available for $0.08 per record viewed; however, you will not be billed unless you accrue over $10 in charges in a three month period. Your address is used in the event you exceed the $10 threshold, at which point a bill needs to be sent to you. Reviewing the records of one person's bankruptcy records will rarely cost over $10.
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Step 2
Log in once you verify your account, and locate the "Find a Case" tab located near the top of the window. This is the third tab in from the left. You will see three columns. Look at the third or last column titled "U.S. Bankruptcy Courts." Scroll down, and select either "East Michigan" or "West Michigan" depending on where the person lives or would have filed.
Step 3
Read the information on the page to review information on the Michigan court records, and when ready to begin your search, look to the top of the window for "Query" and select this option.
Step 4
Enter in the person's first and last name if possible. Bankruptcy courts use the legal name of the filer, so do not enter nicknames. Enter the Michigan county the person lives in. If you are unsure, leave this blank. PACER will search all Michigan bankruptcies with the name only.
Step 5
Review the results that are shown and select the correct name. Look to the left side of the window to see a listing of available documents for review. You will be able to view, download or print any records shown. You will also be shown what Michigan court the bankruptcy was filed in, the bankruptcy's date and which Michigan judge handled the case. If no one by the name has filed bankruptcy, you will be told no case records exist.
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