If you're a business major in college, chances are you'll have to pass business statistics. As part of business statistics, you'll study probability and statistics as it relates to supply and demand, the stock market, GDP and other business-related items. If you don't pass business statistics the first time, you likely will have to take it again, so preparation is imperative to avoid repeating the class.
Step 1
Purchase a graphing calculator. Your instructor may recommend a particular brand. The TI-83, HP48G or Casio FX2 all contain statistics components. A graphing calculator is an invaluable tool in statistics. Some calculations, like calculating sample sizes, are made up of multiple steps. One tiny error in a step calculation can render your answer useless. A graphing calculator computes those intermediate steps behind the scenes.
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Step 2
Study your syllabus carefully. Test dates are usually written in the syllabus. You may also find a list of suggested texts or resources that your instructor recommends. If you are struggling with statistics, take note of those suggested items and utilize them.
Step 3
Read the material before you go to class and be ready with questions. Reading the material before class will highlight any area you are having trouble with and allow you to ask questions in class. Statistics tends to cover vast material in a short amount of time, so studying the topics before you arrive in class prepares you to ask questions.
Step 4
Visit your college's math lab. If you aren't sure where it is, ask your instructor for the location. Most colleges and universities have a math lab to assist students with classes, including statistics. At the math lab, you'll generally find free tutoring, statistical software applications and graphing calculators.
Step 5
Work the sample problems in your textbook. Don't restrict yourself to the problems your instructor assigns for homework. The more problems you work, the easier you'll find the material.
Step 6
Ask your classmates to start a study group. Not everyone gets stuck on the same problem types. You may be able to assist another student with one area and he may be able to help you with a different problem.
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