Social Security checks may get lost in transit. This can happen in the U.S. mail or with direct deposit that the Social Security Administration prefers. As far back as 1992, more than half of Social Security recipients used direct deposit. If your check does not arrive in a timely manner, track the check with the help of Social Security personnel.
Step 1
Determine when your Social Security check should arrive based on the schedule provided by the Social Security Administration. If you have been receiving checks since before 1997, your check should arrive on the third of the month. If your birthday is from the first to the 10th, your check should arrive on the second Wednesday. Birthdays between the 10th and the 20th have Social Security checks mailed on the third Wednesday. A birthday from the 20th to the end of the month has a fourth Wednesday mailing date. Supplemental Security Income checks arrive on the first of the month.
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Step 2
Wait three days beyond the date when your check should arrive.
Step 3
Contact the Social Security Administration at the main number, 800-772-1213, and report non-receipt of your Social Security check. They can track and find it for you. For those with hearing impairments, the toll-free TTY number is 800-325-0778.
Consider using Direct Express, a debit card issued by Social Security that adds funds to your account. Your Direct Express card is not usable without your pin number.
Report a change of address to Social Security even if you use direct deposit or Direct Express. Social Security needs to have your current address to send you benefit information.
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