American households, particularly in suburban areas, have grown significantly in size over the last few decades. According to the United States Census Bureau, the average single-family house constructed in 2009 was 2,438 square feet.
Number of Bedrooms and Bathrooms
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The United States Census Bureau found that 34 percent of single-family homes built in 2009 had four or more bedrooms, while 53 percent had three bedrooms. In addition, of the houses built in 2009 that had four or more bedrooms, 54 percent also had three or more bathrooms. Fifty-three percent of single-family homes constructed in 2009 had two or more stories.
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Average Home Size is Shrinking
According to a United States Census Bureau study conducted in 2009, the average size of the American home is actually shrinking. After increasing continually for 30 years, the average size of single-family homes constructed in the U.S. peaked at 2,521 square feet in 2007. After stagnant growth in 2008, the average size of an American home declined in 2009 by approximately 100 square feet.
Recent Trends
According to Sarah Susanka, author of "The Not So Big House," many American homeowners are choosing smaller, more efficient spaces that require less building materials to construct. This may be attributed to a recent trend towards environmentally friendly housing solutions and conservation efforts.