Online checking accounts are increasingly popular and are actively marketed by practically all banks. From a bank's point of view, they save on administrative costs and paper, as you do a lot of the account management yourself and don't require the bank to provide you with paper statements.
From your personal perspective, opening a checking account online means you can bank from anywhere in the world with Internet access. All U.S. banks offer safe and secure online banking. You save time and money: Online checking accounts are usually free and they are available 24/7. You can view your accounts, check your recent transactions, set up bill payments, transfer money and download information to most personal accounting software programs. It's easy to open a checking account online, and with the correct software you can print temporary checks.
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Step 1
Visit the website of the bank with which you want to open your checking account. The number of banks offering online services is immense, so it's best to consider using one you are familiar with--perhaps a bank you already use.
Step 2
Check out the online banking facilities. Most bank websites have a section where you can view full details of the types of checking account you can open online. Make your selection according to your own preferences. Most checking accounts are free and many offer interest on the money held in your account.
Step 3
Click on the link on your chosen bank's web page to set up online banking. You will need your personal details, Social Security number and existing bank details to open your checking account online.
Step 4
Follow the online instructions. Each website varies but all are simple to navigate. Generally, you enter your personal details, choose the type of account you want to open and the service that you want.
Step 5
Accept the terms and conditions and then submit your details. You will be asked to review for accuracy and submit for processing. You may need to make a deposit to get the account open.
Step 6
Create a log-in name and password, and then follow the detailed instructions to set up further security. Submit your details. You will usually be informed immediately that your account is set up. Secure log-in information may be emailed to you or sent via the mail service.
Print Temporary Checks
Step 1
Download or visit an office supply outlet to purchase check printing software so that you can print your temporary checks. There are many programs available and, if you buy online, you often get a discount and a free trial. You will also need check paper stock.
Step 2
Follow the instructions to load your software for printing temporary checks. Instructions are usually very user friendly.
Step 3
Practice printing a few checks so you get your settings right on your printer. You can purchase blank checks at about 5 cents each. Once your printer settings are correct and you have familiarized yourself with the software, you're ready to print real checks.