The HP 12c financial calculator allows accountants to quickly make complex calculations, such as the time value of money problems. The keys on a financial calculator differ from those on a scientific calculator. Do not be alarmed by the differences, as the HP 12c calculator will still perform the normal math functions of a scientific calculator, such as exponents. This allows the user to make both finance calculations and more conventional calculations. As an example, suppose you want to calculate 2^4.
Step 1
Press "f" and then "RPN" to put the calculator in Reverse Polish Notation.
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Step 2
Type the base number. In the example, type "2."
Step 3
Press "Enter."
Step 4
Type the exponent. In the example, it would be "4."
Step 5
Press the "y^x" button. In the example, the calculator will display "16."
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