If you've bought electronics at a Walmart store or online, you'll usually be able to return them for a full refund within a time period that depends on the specific item. As long as you have the original receipt and the original packaging, the return process usually goes smoothly, but you have options as well if you lack the receipt.
Depending on the payment method and purchase method, you might be able to print a receipt online or have the store look up the transaction. A Walmart manager could also help you with alternatives, like store credit.
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Understanding Walmart’s Return Policy
While there's a general 90-day return policy for items it sells directly, Walmart clarifies that special rules apply for most electronics.
Many items, such as televisions, tablets, computers, stereos, game consoles and cameras, have a 30-day return period, though opened drones only allow for exchanges. A stricter 14-day window applies to most types of cell phones. You can return unopened video games or exchange opened ones within 90 days.
You can return refurbished TVs and other items through Walmart Restored within 90 days of purchase. In addition, Walmart specifies that electronics items purchased through a marketplace seller have at least a 14-day return policy.
Online Walmart Purchase Return Options
If you bought the item on Walmart.com and don't have the packaging slip, that's not an issue. Walmart explains that you can simply log in to your Walmart account and locate the order in your purchase history to see the receipt.
You can then print the receipt if you want to do an in-store return or select the button to initiate an online return and print a shipping label. You can reach out to the online Walmart customer service if you encounter issues.
Return Options for In-Store Purchases
As long as you used a debit card or credit card, the retailer can usually locate your purchase so you can get a refund. Just take the box and item and your card to your local Walmart's customer service desk. You'll swipe your card for the lookup, the employee will scan the item's barcode and you'll get a refund if eligible.
Walmart also has an online tool to obtain your missing receipt beforehand. You'll need to know key details, like the location and date of purchase, the card you used and the total purchase amount to do the lookup. You can then print the receipt to present to a customer service desk worker.
If you used another payment method, like a check or cash, or you canceled the card you used, Walmart mentions that you could get a Walmart gift card or even cash depending on the purchase amount. This type of no-receipt return requires showing a photo ID, and Walmart staff will decide whether to approve it. You may need to speak to a store manager for more expensive items, and it's best to have the original box and ensure the item is in good condition.
Consider Warranties and Card Benefits
If Walmart won't give your money back and the item is defective, you could turn to the manufacturer's warranty or any extended warranty, like AppleCare or the Walmart protection plan. For example, if you've fallen outside the Walmart TV return policy for a Samsung TV, you might contact Samsung online or by phone to submit your claim. You might end up getting the item repaired or replaced as long as the warranty is still active from the purchase date.
If you used a credit card, you might have additional options. For example, American Express offers a purchase protection feature for some cards that covers accidentally damaged or stolen items within 90 days of purchase. In addition, Visa Signature provides a 90-day return period for items purchased as long as the retailer denies your return. Limits usually apply to such protections, so they might not provide a full refund for an expensive or damaged TV or computer.