Capital One is one of America's 10 largest banks, and provides a variety of services to both businesses and consumers. As a traditional bank, Capital One offers checking accounts, so it's entirely possible you'll run across a Capital One check in your everyday life. Capital One also provides checks to facilitate other services, such as credit card balance transfers and loan originations.Whether you need to cash a Capital One cashier's check or other type of check, here are some options you might have.
Rules for Capital One Customers
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The easiest way to cash a Capital One cashier's check or other check is if you have a bank account at a Capital One branch. Since the check was issued by Capital One, a teller there should be able to verify the check's authenticity with no problem and you should have little-to-no hassle getting the check cashed.
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You might not even have to show identification beyond your bank card, although having a driver's license is always a good idea in case ID is needed. Capital One also has a mobile app you can use if you want to deposit your check rather than take cash out immediately.
Rules for Non-Customers
Even if you're not a Capital One customer, you usually can have a Capital One check cashed at a Capital One bank. In fact, Capital One is one of the few banks that doesn't charge non-customers fees for cashing on of its own checks, as some banks charge $10 or more for this service. As a non-customer, you'll be required to provide two forms of government-issued identification, such as your driver's license and your passport.
Cashing at Other Banks
If you have an established relationship at another bank, such as Chase, you shouldn't have any problem depositing a Capital One cashier's check to your account. However, cashing your check outright might be more of an issue. Typically, banks put a hold on the money deposited by other banks. This hold policy means that while you likely can put the check in your account, you might not have immediate access to the funds.
Federal regulations require that you gain access to the first $200 of the check deposit within a business day, but the remainder of your check could be held for up to five business days.
Cashing Without an Account
If you don't have an account and can't get your Capital One check cashed at the bank, you may still have luck with other non-bank outlets. The most expensive option is likely to be a check-cashing store. Typically, a check-cashing service will charge a percentage of the amount of your check. Others may also attach a flat check-servicing fee.
For example, if a check-cashing establishment has a one percent service charge plus a $10 flat fee, you'd pay $60 in fees on a $5,000 check. On smaller checks, the percentage fee would be even higher, as you'd pay $15 on a $500 check.
Certain retail outlets, such as Wal-Mart or your local grocery store, may be able to cash your Capital One check for a smaller fee. Wal-Mart stores charge $4 to $8, depending on the size of your check. Kroger charges anywhere from $4 to $7.50, depending on the check amount and whether you have a Kroger card.