Sometimes you need money fast. If your bank account is nearly empty, you may have to turn to your credit card. Wells Fargo bank allows you to deposit money from your credit card into your account. It is advantageous for you to transfer money into your Wells Fargo account from a Wells Fargo credit card. The bank will accept other credit cards, but may charge a service fee, and your credit card company may charge a higher interest rate than a Wells Fargo credit card deposit.
Step 1
Call your credit card company. Determine how much available credit you have and how much of that credit may be used as a cash withdrawal or bank deposit.
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Step 2
Call Wells Fargo customer service at 877-906-6055. If your credit card is a Wells Fargo credit card, tell the agent that you would like to transfer money from your credit card into your Wells Fargo account. You will need your credit card, bank routing number and bank account number to complete the transaction over the phone.
If your card is not a Wells Fargo card, ask the customer service agent where the nearest Wells Fargo branch is. Visit the branch with your credit card and make a cash deposit at the counter with money withdrawn from your credit card. You will need the card and your driver's license or other picture ID.
Step 3
Call your credit card company and request a cash advance. Depending on your agreement, some or all of your available limit may be withdrawn as a cash advance. Once you receive the money, deposit it into your Wells Fargo account. You may be able to have the money transferred directly into the account from your credit card company. Be aware that most credit card companies charge a higher interest rate and extra fee on cash advances than regular credit card purchases, so double check what the costs will be before you agree to the advance.
Step 4
Withdraw money from an automated teller machine (ATM) with your credit card and then deposit the cash into your Wells Fargo account. You will need your credit card personal identification number (PIN) to withdraw money from an ATM. If you do not know it, call your credit card company and ask. You may be charged a similar interest rate to a cash advance, so check the policy for ATM withdrawals while you are on the phone with the credit card company.
Clarify the amount of interest charges your card will incur for a cash advance. It may be financially responsible to use the credit card to make a purchase, then pay it off when you get the bill, rather than depositing the money into a Wells Fargo bank account and paying a higher interest rate and cash advance fee on the deposit.
Only withdraw funds from your credit card in emergency situations, like medical bills, auto repair or other instances where payments cannot wait. Do not withdraw money from your credit card to buy something that you do not need or cannot afford. It is best to wait until you have money to spend on those purchases, as using your available credit will cost you more over time in interest.
Things You'll Need
Wells Fargo bank account
Credit card with available credit
Government issued ID card
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