How to Redeposit a Bounced Check

Someone writing a check
Image Credit: AndreyPopov/iStock/GettyImages

When a check you deposit is returned due to insufficient funds, you face the possibility of lost income as well as bank fees. You can redeposit a bounced check. However, you should confirm that the money is available before submitting the check to your bank.


Ask the Client

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Inform the check issuer that his check bounced and ask if the funds are currently available before depositing the check again. The cause of the bounced check could be a simple logistical error. For example, maybe the issuer transferred the wrong amount of money into his checking account, or one of his deposits didn't clear in time. Your bank will likely charge a returned check fee, so ask the client to reimburse you for the fee.


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Some banks will automatically redeposit a returned check a second time without any notification. You will likely not be charged a returned check fee if the funds go through the second time. Policies vary by bank, so check with your bank for specifics.

Redeposit the Check

Once the client confirms the availability of funds, you can redeposit the check into your bank account. A new check is not needed -- just submit the same check that was originally returned. All deposit methods, such as at the teller window or at an ATM, are valid with a redeposited bounced check.



If it is logistically possible, you can also take the bounced check to the issuer’s bank to check the status of the funds, though this must be done in person. With sufficient funds in the account, the bank will cash the check for you. Be prepared to show two forms of identification, such as a driver’s license, passport or state issued ID.

