The majority of credit cards are issued by banks or similar financial institutions. You can identify the bank by the BIN, or "bank identification number," which is also the first four to six digits of the credit card. Knowing the financial backer of a credit card will help you make decisions about which card is best for you. Debit and check cards are also included on the BIN database.
Step 1
Find the first six digits of the credit card number in question, whether on the card or on a credit card statement. You can even do this for another person's credit card without having to see the entire number.
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Step 2
Look on the Bank Identification Number database list (see Resources) for the first four digits. On a Windows or Linux computer hit "Control+F," and on a Mac "Apple+F" for a pop-up finder box, and type in the numbers to find it automatically. If there are multiple listings for the first four digits, add on the next two to search for the full six. The list is complete, including many international banks, so if the number is not on it you may have the number of an unlisted international bank. In that case, call the number on the back of the credit card.
Step 3
Call the number on the back of the credit card if the six digits are not on the BIN list. The BIN list is complete, including many international banks, so you may have the number of an unlisted international bank.
Step 4
Go to the listed bank or financial institution's website for more information on its credit cards and policies.
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