Many people use coupons to save money while grocery shopping. If a shopper uses enough coupons at one time, the savings on a grocery bill can be substantial. Online shoppers have a similar avenue for saving money when they place shopping orders for goods at websites. By utilizing promotional coupon codes at the time of checkout, a percentage of the total order or a discount in shipping can often reduce the final cost of the items. Find promotional coupon codes at special coupon code websites.
Step 1
Visit the RetailMeNot website to search for retailers with whom you want to place orders. Enter the retailer's name in the search box at the top of the webpage and click the green "Search" button. Click on one of the results provided from your retailer search and a list of coupon codes will appear. Browse through the list to find a coupon that will fit with the order you want to place. For example, you will find coupon codes that are only usable on certain merchandise and codes that require a minimum purchase amount. Pay attention to expiration dates and also the percentage of success other users report having with each code. Copy a code you wish to use (control + c) and paste it into the appropriate field of an online order form.
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Step 2
Navigate to the CouponCabin website to find coupon codes from the retailers you want to visit. Utilize the search functions at the top of the webpage to search for coupons by store, category, most popular, free shipping and other top deals. Enter a specific retailer in the search box and click "go" to find specific coupon codes. Browse through the lists of coupon codes until you find one that fits the order you wish to place.
Step 3
Visit the DealHunting website to find coupon codes to fit your needs and desires. Click the "Coupon Codes" tab at the top of the webpage, enter a retailer name in the search box at the top of the page and click "Go." Alternatively, browse through an alphabetical list of retailers or search for a retailer by merchandise category. Visit a message forum by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the webpage. Utilize the message forum to learn about specific coupon savings available within a variety of categories.
If you have trouble finding a specific coupon code you desire at one of these websites, try entering the specific retailer for which you are searching and the keywords “coupon code” into an Internet search engine. Often you can find specific coupon codes directly using this method. Contact a retailer directly (by using the “Contact Us” link on a webpage) before you place an order and ask if they have any applicable coupon codes that you can use.
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