Obtaining credit cards with large credit lines can be challenging. With on-time payments, most customers are offered periodic credit line increases. However, for traditional borrowers, a $100,000 credit limit will not usually be offered. In some cases, banks will actually place a cap on a particular credit card. Increasing or obtaining a credit card with a $100,000 credit limit is difficult, but there are ways in which individuals can have success.
For Individuals
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Step 1
Pull a copy of your credit report. See resources for a free copy. If you have a FICO score above 750, you may have a fighting chance to get a $100,000 credit line. With any score below 750, you'll need to rebuild and repair your score.
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Step 2
Calculate your current amount of credit available to you on all cards. Then, calculate what percentage you have utilized on all accounts. For example, if you have $4,000 in credit card debt and $30,000 in available credit, you have 12 percent utilization.
Step 3
Get your utilization below 10 percent before trying to secure a $100,000 credit line.
Step 4
Determine which card you'd like to extend to $100,000. Choose one that is connected to a large bank--like Bank of America or CitiBank.
Step 5
Collect all income and asset documentation. In general, a bank will want to see at least $200,000 in assets and liquid cash prior to extending such a large credit line.
Step 6
Be prepared for your finances to be scrutinized very carefully. Most banks will want to collateralize a $100,000 credit card. This means taking out a mortgage against your property for the use of the credit line. Technically, a credit card will be available for use, but these loans must be carefully used as it will be placed against your home.
Step 7
Make sure you have an ironclad reason for requesting the $100,000. Legitimate reasons include: home improvements, financing for higher education and medical expenses.
Step 8
Apply to three or fewer lenders. All lenders will pull a credit report and too many inquiries will drop your FICO score.