How to Report a Corrupt Company

You can report a corrupt company to the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission or your state's attorney general. Although you aren't guaranteed relief or compensation for any losses, the agencies will investigate your claims and may take action against the company.

Federal Trade Commission Complaints

The Federal Trade Commission enforces laws associated with business practices. If you feel a company has done something illegal, you can file an FTC report online at You can also call 877-FTC-HELP to file your complaint. Although the FTC can't resolve your individual complaint, your complaint could prompt an investigation.


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Attorney General

File a complaint with your state's attorney general. The attorney general's office will thoroughly review the details and attempt to resolve the issue. A copy of your complaint will be sent to the company with a request for a response. If the company doesn't respond within an adequate period of time, further action may be taken. The attorney general can't guarantee resolution, but offers mediation services.


Better Business Bureau

You can file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau at Your complaint will be processed by the local office of the bureau, usually in the state where the company is located. According to the bureau, around 70 percent of complaints filed with it are resolved. Because consumers often check a company's Better Business Bureau rating, companies are often eager to resolve complaints that could impact their rating and reputation.


