When a house, condo or apartment goes on the market, it is posted in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and is given an MLS number. Using the MLS number, real estate professionals and consumers can quickly find a specific house.
Step 1
Visit the National Association of Realtors website. This website gives you the option of finding MLS listings by location or by MLS number. It also allows you to set your desired price range and number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
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Step 2
Visit the MLS Online website, where you can find MLS listings by city, state, zip code, price range, number of bedrooms and number of bathrooms. You can also customize the search to include amenities that you are interested in, such as a pool or a hot tub.
Step 3
Visit the MLS website, which allows users to find MLS listings by city and state. Either type in the city and state you'd like to find your new home in or click on the state on the website's interactive map and find numerous MLS listings in your desired area.
Step 4
Ask a real estate agent to help you find MLS listings. Real estate agents use MLS numbers when finding specific homes. They typically have access to information about each property that is available only to real estate professionals. Your real estate agent can help you find more in-depth information about MLS listings that particularly appeal to you.
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