Changing student loan names after you have completed the official name-changing process is essential; otherwise, you risk being unable to access necessary financial aid. Even though payments on federal student loans are currently not expected to resume until after August 31, 2022, ensuring your information remains up to date reduces potential future headaches.
How to Change Student Loan Names
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It is essential that you officially change your name before contacting your lenders. You can do this by visiting your local Social Security Administration office, where they will instruct you on the procedure and provide you with the proper paperwork. Once you receive the official word that the change has been processed, it is time to alert your lenders. Every lender has a different protocol for changing student loan names, so you must contact each lender directly to ensure you receive the proper paperwork.
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According to Federal Student Aid, you'll want to keep your Federal Student Aid (FSA) account current by updating personal information through the Settings page on your FSA account. While you will be unable to edit your Social Security number if the Social Security Administration has already verified the information, other information, such as your name and date of birth, remains editable.
Once you make the changes, the Social Security Administration will need some time to verify the information. You will have limited access to certain U.S. Department of Education systems while they are processing your information, so it is critical you plan accordingly.
How to Change a Name on the FAFSA
FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA is a form used by various financial institutions, the federal government, states and colleges to analyze one's eligibility for financial aid. Anyone seeking financial assistance is required to fill out and submit a FAFSA to receive financial aid. In the event of a FAFSA name change, you will need to update the application accordingly to ensure you have access to financial aid and other U.S. Department of Education services.
According to Federal Student Aid, you need to log in to your account on the official FAFSA site using your FSA ID to change information on your FAFSA. Once logged in, locate the My FAFSA page and select "Make Corrections." The website should then direct you to create a save key.
Once you create a save key, you may change the appropriate information and submit your changes. If you find yourself unable to change the information online, you may also submit corrections or updates by mailing in a paper Student Aid Report or checking with your school's financial aid office.
How to Change a Name on Sallie Mae Loans
As with many other lenders, Sallie Mae offers private student loans and has specific requirements regarding the processing of name changes. You will need to supply two documents with the updated name from an approved list to provide a new name for Sallie Mae. Applicable documents include a current driver's license, Social Security card, current W-2 form, birth certificate, unexpired government-issued ID, Certificate of Naturalization, U.S. Certificate of Citizenship, alien registration card, state ID, court order, passport or U.S. military discharge papers.
A legal document certifying the name change, such as a marriage certificate or divorce decree, is also acceptable. The two documents could be sent by mail or sent electronically. Upload the two documents to your Sallie Mae account under the Tools and Resources page. Once there, select "Secure Document Upload" found under the Forms tab and then select "Miscellaneous, followed by "Choose File." Once uploaded, click "Submit Documents" for Sallie Mae to review the name change.