Citibank has a whole line of credit cards geared toward commercial customers. Government agencies have their own cards, including GSA SmartPay, powered by Citibank. The U.S. Department of Defense uses CitiManager to manage its Citibank-issued credit cards, but each employee is responsible for managing his own card and ensuring payment is made after being reimbursed. To pay your card balance or manage your card, you'll need to set up a CitiManager account and pay online or set up autopayments, although you can also pay by mail or phone.
Citibank Government Travel Card
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The U.S. Department of Defense uses the Citibank Government Travel Card program to manage all travel expenses incurred by military personnel. Having this card makes it easy for employees to take care of expenses while they're traveling. While on temporary duty assignment or temporary additional duty, workers are urged to use a GTCC to pay for all expenses.
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Military personnel can manage accounts through CitiManager, the bank's account management system. You'll need to register for a CitiManager account, but once you have a Citibank login, you'll be able to log in at any time and view statements, confirm your balance, make payments and manage your account settings. To register a CitiManager account, have your military card handy and go to home.cards.citidirect.com/CommercialCard/ux.
Pay GTCC Offline
Although it's easiest to pay your bill by going to Citibank online, there are other ways you can pay your bill. Unless you sign up for paperless billing, you'll receive a statement in the mail that has a remittance slip you can send back. The address should be provided but if not, send it to Citibank Government Card Services, PO Box 78025, Phoenix, AZ 85062-8025.
If you need assistance at any time, whether it's with your Citibank login or you've waited too late and need to pay your account balance quickly, there's a cardholder services number you can call. Citi customer service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 1-800-200-7056. With the 24-hour phone number, you can also make a payment by phone if necessary.
Considering Methods of Payment
As with other types of credit cards, you can't pay your Citibank GTCC card using a credit or debit card. Whether you pay via Citibank online, by mail or by phone, you'll need to use a valid checking account to make your payment. Citibank will need the account number as well as the routing number.
Once you've set up your Citibank login, you can manage various features on your account, including setting up autopay. This means the money will come out of your checking account each month, eliminating the need to log in and make a manual payment. You can also pay by wire transfer if it comes down to it, but some banks charge a fee to move funds this way.
Getting a GTCC Card
The Citibank government travel card is now mandatory for all military personnel who travel. You're expected to use the card to the fullest extent possible while paying for expenses related to official travel and avoid any personal spending on the card. It's also against regulations to use your personal credit card to make travel arrangements.
As a Citibank GTCC cardholder, you're ultimately responsible for ensuring your balance gets paid each month. You'll be reimbursed within 30 days of your travel claim, but if you do accrue a late fee and the approving office is to blame, you'll be reimbursed for those extra amounts. Still, it's important that you not only submit your travel claims as quickly as possible but log in and pay your Citibank online card balance as soon as you've been reimbursed to avoid late fees on your end.