How to Open a Canadian Bank Account From the United States

If you travel frequently between the United States and Canada, the benefits of holding a Canadian bank account will allow you to easily access funds when you're in Canada. With hundreds of banks providing online access to your funds, you can even transfer money from your U.S. accounts into your Canadian accounts. In most cases, you will be required to appear at the Canadian bank in person to open the account.


Step 1

Browse through the list of Canadian banks and what they have to offer before choosing a bank. There are dozens of banks to choose from, including the Royal Bank of Canada, TD Canada Trust and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Many of these banks have websites where you can look over the information and requirements for you to open an account.


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Step 2

Compare rates and fees between banks to determine which bank best meets your banking requirements. Many Canadian banks require you to pay a monthly fee for account maintenance, so be sure to compare rates and fees before you choose a bank.

Step 3

Gather required identification information, such as your passport, U.S. driver's license, birth certificate, employment identification or letter of recommendation from a bank in the U.S. where you have an account. All information must be current and unexpired.



Step 4

Visit a branch of the bank of your choice to speak directly to a representative. Most Canadian banks require U.S. residents to appear in person when opening an account.

Step 5

Fill out the application and submit it to a branch representative for approval. Be sure you leave them with contact information, such as your mailing address and phone number, so they can let you know the status of your application.


In some instances, banks will require two forms of identification. Make sure you know what you need to take with you to the bank before you arrive to avoid a delay in the opening of your account.

If you frequently conduct business in Canada, you may also be able to open a business account.

Things You'll Need

  • Valid passport

  • Birth certificate

  • Employment identification card

  • Driver's license

  • Letter of recommendation

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