When it comes to your credit, you want to be sure that all of the information is accurate. If you have recently changed your name, there are a number of steps you need to take to ensure that your credit doesn't take a hit. In particular, you will need to contact each and every one of your credit card companies and inform them of your name change.
Step 1
Make copies of your marriage certificate or the document that shows your name has been changed.
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Step 2
Visit your local Social Security Administration office to apply for a new social security card.
Step 3
Send a letter to each of your credit card companies requesting that they change your name in their records. Enclose your marriage certificate or other relevant documentation, account numbers and necessary personal information. Find a sample letter below.
Step 4
Ask the credit card company (in writing) to issue you a new credit card in your new name.
Step 5
Keep records of all of your correspondence.
Step 6
Unless you receive a confirmation of the name change, follow up with your credit card company to make sure the changes took effect.
Contact your utilities, water and electric companies, as well as your cable provider and any other business that has your old name on file.
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